Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Our God is amazing. Just when you think you've figured out what He's up to in your life, He's moving you to the next big thing in His heart. It's as if He's just waiting for us to catch His passion and excitement for a world transformed. And should we be surprised ? It's the world He loves and gave His Son to die for.

Every inward journey God takes us through must ultimately find it's outworkings in our faith and in our works.

True brokenness takes us out of self consciousness and self limitations and leads us to God's Program and God's purposes for our life. Ed Silvoso puts it well - your life is not about you but about God. And God is about people. That, to me is the secret to happiness - in the words of the song, "when I've found the joy of reaching your heart, when my will becomes enthralled in your love... "

God hasn't forgotten the call to FCBC to serve the nations. Poor and needy or rich and influential. The Gospel is for the nations. But we start from where we are. We save the nations one person at a time.

No need to wait for that big call to pack your bags and head for a foreign land. Can we love the stranger in a foreign land if we can't even like the person we meet everyday ?

By Ps J - Youth Buzz 27May07


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