"Transformers" - This is currently the hottest movie in town.Totally awed by the amazing computer animation and special effects. It's the eternal battle of good against evil. Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Jazz and Ratchet takes on Megatron. Ultimately, what triumphs is the power of sacrifice. In the famous words of Optimus Prime, "no sacrifice, no victory" Isn't it so true that the blessings of God are often tied to the sacrifices we offer to Him ?
"TRANSFORMERS" . This is our buzzword and password during this 40 day Love Singapore season of prayer and this strategic 100K campaign of FCBC. We're talking personal corporate and national transformation that will save our land. If we believe it, we will see it .... a season of divine visitation, incredible breakthroughs where warriors of God are released into the marketplace, spreading everywhere the fragrance and the aroma of the Lord, changing the spiritual climate through prayers and blessings that proclaim the glory of the Risen King of Kings. We are all Transformers of a different kind !
Let the first transformation begin ! Romans 12:2 " Do not be conformed any longer to the pattern of theis world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -His good, pleasing and perfect will. "
Ed Silvoso puts it so well :
"If not you, then who ?
If not now, then when ?
Go forth and change the world ! "
If not now, then when ?
Go forth and change the world ! "
(YouthNet Buzz 8thJuly07)
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