Sunday, December 17, 2006


Recently I heard a jolting observation made by a pastor that “CHRISTMAS IS NOT ABOUT CHRIST, IT IS ALL ABOUT ME”. Now on first thoughts, that really sounded sacrileges, what an insult to Christ and all that God did more than 2000 years ago, when the first angelic choir sang “Glory to God in the Highest and on Earth peace and good will to all men”. Since then each year when Christmas comes around, we celebrate “Joy to the World, the Lord has come”. Christmas must surely be about Christ, without the “Christ” in CHRISTmas, then we only have X-mas.

But you know, on second thoughts and deeper reflection, it is very true too that CHRISTMAS IS ALL ABOUT ME, because the real “why” of Christmas is really all about ME. Because from this side of heaven, if there were no ME then there was no need for the God of all the heavens and earth to come into earthly existence, to be born in a lowly manger, to enter into suffering humanity, to give of Himself for ME.

Yes, jarring and selfish as it may sound…..CHRISTMAS IS ALL ABOUT ME and I can just hear God whisper in my ear “Son, you finally got it, I love you so much, Blessed Christmas.”

John 3:16 (NLT) “For God so loved ME (the world) that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

My prayer this Christmas would be that it will not stop with ME. With a grateful heart and with reverent awe I want to celebrate this reality of Christmas with my family, friends and the community……through what I say, do, think and feel this Christmas, I pray it will also point many to this point of realization and confession that “CHRISTMAS IS ALL ABOUT ME”.

Philippians 2:5-11 (NLT) 5 Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had. 6 Though he was God, he did not demand and cling to his rights as God. 7 He made himself nothing (He laid aside his mighty power and glory); he took the humble position of a slave and appeared in human form (and was born in the likeness of men and was found in appearance as a man). 8 And in human form he obediently humbled himself even further by dying a criminal’s death on a cross. 9 Because of this, God raised him up to the heights of heaven and gave him a name that is above every other name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

TIME and TIME again

Had a discussion with a young man the other day about how important it is for us to grow in Time Management as a life skill. But as we talked, we realized that it was actually quite impossible to “manage time” because as they say “time and tide waits for no man” and whether we can manage “time” or not, “Time” flies and “Time” keeps moving on. Thus it is not so much TIME MANAGEMENT skills that we really need but TIME DISCIPLINE.

Is there a difference and why? I see it this way….

TIME Management tends to puts the onus or blame on “time”. Like “I have no time” “wow, time flies” and “I just cannot find enough time to get it done” – it basically means that we “put the blame” on “Time”, like a commodity or product that we need to manage or like an animal or creature that we need to tame.

Whereas TIME Discipline points the finger back at ourselves. How are we managing ourselves in the context of the “Moving Time” God has given us. I see this paradigm shift as an important perspective that will help us “manage time” as it is therefore "us" that is the issue and not time. This brings us to the root of the issue and a lot more empowering than just blame shifting.

Yes, sometimes it just takes a little shift in our point of view that can help bring about breakthroughs in our lives. Small things DO make Big Differences.

Psalm 90:12 (NLT) “Teach us to make the most of our time, so that we may grow in wisdom.”

The Key Application word here is “Teach us”.